We’re welcoming November with a brand new AMIMOTO!
Introducing WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (HTTP/2) Next Generation Preview AMI

- Completely integrated, pre-configured OS with HHVM and NGINX Reverse Proxy Cache that includes ready-to-run version of WordPress.
- Fast and improved performance. Designed for low-latency content transport across the web, HTTP/2 makes your applications faster, simpler, and more robust. With HTTP/2 optimization, applications performance improve significantly.
- HTTP/2 binary protocol makes it less prone to errors.
- Multiplexing allows multiple requests and responses sent at the same time.
- One TCP connection. With only one connection, it allows a client to use one connection per origin.
- Ready for launching in 9 Global Regions.
- 30-day Free Trial on (1) c3.large instance!
- This AMIMOTO stack includes ready-to-run version of WordPress
- Git
- Security, performance and developer plugins