NEW: AMIMOTO Version Releases

We’re excited to announce the new version releases of the following WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO:

In this latest release, the base operating system and web server were updated:

OS Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09
Web Server Nginx ver.1.8.0
PHP PHP Ver.5.6.14
HHVM Hiphop VM Ver.3.9.1 ( AMIMOTO HHVM only)
MySQL Percona MySQL Ver.5.6.26

These AMIMOTO AMI middlewares update upon startup.
This varies depending on when you start the minor version.

Additionally, when you SSH connect, middleware versions are now displayed:

     / _ | __ _  (_)_ _  ___  / /____
    / __ |/  ' \/ /  ' \/ _ \/ __/ _ \
   /_/ |_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/\___/\__/\___/

 Nginx: 1.8.0, PHP: 5.6.14, Percona MySQL: 5.6.26

 amimoto     /