We’re happy to announce today these several updates on our AMIMOTO products:
AMIMOTO | Version | Single AMI | CloudFormation |
WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (PVM) | 1.5.0 | √ | – |
WooCommerce Powered by AMIMOTO (Apache HTTPD PHP7) | 1.1.0 | √ | – |
WooCommerce Powered by AMIMOTO (HVM) | 1.1.0 | √ | – |
Apart from updates on version, base AMI and security group, these products also support HTTP/2 by default.
For this reason, we have discontinued WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (HTTP/2).
Users of AMIMOTO (HTTP/2) are encouraged to use the alternative AMI instead, which is WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (HVM).
AWS Support for Clusters & AWS Resources
AWS announced in mid December 2015 a new AWS feature, Support for Clusters and AWS Resources.
It allows users to easily deploy software on AWS Marketplace that are production-ready, and are using AWS CloudFormation templates.
AMIMOTO is placed under the category of App Development, Collaboration, IoT and more with the following Cloudformations:
AMIMOTO | Version | Single AMI | CloudFormation |
WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (HVM) | 1.3.0 | √ | √ |
WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (Apache HTTPD PHP7) | 1.1.0 | √ | √ |
New Cloudformations Optimized for WordPress
JIN-KEI CloudFormation pack is a useful, time-saving tool optimized for WordPress that provides robust infrastructure tailored for various needs.
New addition to our list of Cloudformations are:
WooCommerce Powered by JINKEI (Simple Stack HHVM)

This CloudFormation stack provides high performance WordPress.
By saving data from DataBase to RDS and saving media to S3, you can recover WordPress from server failure.
CloudFront is installed in front of the site to help reduce server load and let it correspond with lower latency to same time overseas access.
WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO (HHVM)
Using AMIMOTO AMI (HHVM) in the stack provides finely tuned WordPress for EC2, allowing easy and robust WordPress infrastructure development capable of large-scale site operations.